About me: My Past Experiences


I have a degree in Psychology and Communications.

I have worked in the social development sector with diverse communities in the areas of disability, the environment, gender, and early childhood education.

I have been a dancer. Invited as a speaker at Vellore Institute of Technology (Tedx Event), St John’s Hospital Research Institute (Bangalore), Cultural Community Dimensions, (Singapore). I ran an e-commerce platform selling dance costumes and jewellery.I was also a member of UNESCO’s dance council and I hold a record in the Limca Book of Records for organizing the world’s first classical dance flashmob.

I set up India’s first fermented foods company selling a range of fermented foods that were not available in India at that time. This venture was well supported by my clients and the media. I gave many talks on the importance of gut health at various venues. I also trained over 50 people in making a range of fermented foods. Many of them have gone on to set up businesses of their own.

I took a break and traveled, soaking in as much as I could. Learning to think on my feet, stay flexible and be open.

I took another break to do nothing. I was a recluse, hikkikomori or bum (if you prefer that).

During my breaks I worked in a restaurant, I taught yoga, I was hired as a food consultant for a company, worked as a research assistant, I did a stint as an astrologer, I taught myself hypnosis, played chess, stared blankly into space, and I read as much as I could.

Hi, I’m Ashwini Raghupathy. Everything you see on this site is written by me. While I am not a doctor, nutritionist, hypnotist or therapist, I have deep interest and personal opinions in all these areas.

I am passionate about health, food and the human body. I have been on a quest trying to better understand people and my own mind.

Eating well, staying agile, and connecting with others in meaningful ways are important to me.

However I seem to struggle sometimes with these goals. It also concerns me when I see other people facing similar problems.

This website is to put together ideas and practices that can help. Some that I want to try and some that have worked for me. If they resonate with you too, I welcome you on a journey to heal your inner elf -the part of you that longs for balance and harmony- through diet, dance, and trance!”